Titan the Robot is the ultimate family-entertainment show. Titan’s comedic antics are adored by children and adults alike and with his huge fan base people travel for miles to see his show.
Performing at large outdoor events, country shows, festivals and shopping malls, Titan is guaranteed to boost ticket sales and footfall and have shopping malls bursting at the seams. Titan also has a special Christmas show, full of festive fun and mayhem.
Titans show can can be easily adapted to any situation and works very well as corporate entertainment or for enticing clients to your trade stand. Titan can be branded with company logos and we can produce bespoke scripts and dialogue.
Titan has been used for product demonstrations, corporate speeches, trade stand activations, corporate parties and as the central figure of bigger productions. Titan is a magnet for PR, marketing and brand awareness; clients often get extra coverage and promotion thanks to Titan’s presence.
Titan the Robot is based in the UK but is available worldwide and has stunned audiences in over 35 countries to date. Titan can be taken by road to events in Europe or airfreighted to events worldwide.
Titan’s show can be adapted to incorporate any language and his whole show can currently be performed in French. Ask our team, they have an in-depth knowledge of everything from airfreight and customs to carnets and bonds.
Titan the Robot
- Product Code: Titan
- Availability: In Stock