  • Robots Of London

Robots Of London are proud to be able to offer the most comprehensive range of robots for both sale and rental throughout the UK and  the rest of Europe. As well as having the largest inventory of Robots for sale and rental in Europe, we are extremely proud to be licensed partners with Softbank Robotics for developing software for Pepper as well as a UK reseller for Pepper The Robot.

Robots Of London are also the official hire partners for both Socibot and Robothespian.

Our team of developers have already set the standard for a number of off the shelf software solutions for Pepper as well as Nao and we are also able to develop bespoke solutions across a range of sectors to include the hospitality sector, property sector and the events sector.

We are used to working with large multi national Companies as well as smaller organisations and take pride in every job we do. Recently, we were approached by Sage to carry out a job for them. This testimonial is a result from this work;

"Adam and team are making real progress in betterment of the world by building game-changing applications with their Robots. From elderly care to democratising financial services to disrupting retail, they are inventing new solutions for real-world social and business problems. 

The team have great talent in creating fantastic design experiences combining the human and robot worlds through conversations, detailed physical movements and cutting edge Artificial Intelligence. 

At Sage, we worked with them to bring a robot assistant to life for over 3 million small and medium sized businesses who need the best technology to fuel the international economy. We designed an AI-driven personal accountant, HR and finance colleague (all in one) to make these services accessible to every business owner (freelancer, SMB, enterprise) regardless of the resources they have. This was presented in UK, US and Canada and our customers and partners LOVED it. 

(+44) 203 934 9663

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Robots Of London

  • Product Code: Androids
  • Availability: In stock